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Terms & Conditions

This website is all about the counselling and parenting services offered at Expressions of Hope Counselling.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact:

Renée Harris Ph: 0432 490 159


This page sets out the Terms and Conditions you need to be aware of when using this website. Please take a moment to read them, as they set out your important rights and obligations and Renée Harris’s in making sure we both know where we stand. When you visit this website, you agree that you are over the age of 18 and you are willing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you don’t accept this agreement, you should not continue to visit this website.


General Disclaimer

On this website you will find content regarding counselling and parenting. This website is for professionals and Renée Harris’s prospective clients only. If purchasing therapy, it’s important to note that Renée Harris is not a registered or clinical psychologist and therefore cannot supply any government rebates currently.


Rights & Responsibilities

As a business, Renée Harris has the right to provide you with quality Services to meet your needs, 

as much as she can. Renée takes this very seriously and as such has an undergraduate degree majoring in psychology and qualifications in early childhood, counselling, and parenting training 

programs. She has worked with children and their families in varying roles for over 15 years 

including group parenting program facilitation, in-home interventions, counselling, social 

assessments, and safety assessments.   

The pricing structure with Renée Harris relates to quality, experience, and service provision. 

Renée has the capacity to offer counselling or parenting sessions, both will not occur


Dual relationships exist even in the online space and it’s important that clients only engage in 

one service at a time. Should one occur after the other this will be at Renee’s discretion,

taking into account the best interests and current needs of each individual client.

Should a conflict of interest occur due to past or present therapeutic relationships or 

community connections Renee will inform you of this and a decision made regarding suitability of commencing work and/or continuing. 

In addition, Renée assists clients with general wellness concerns, not severe mental illness, or long-term addictions. There are a number of concerns Renée may not be able to provide

support for. If you are unsure, please contact Renée for more details –

as she cannot provide free counselling, or ongoing support to clients with particular problems or ailments, and may be able to help refer you to a more suitable service.


Visitor responsibilities

If you are a website visitor, your responsibility is to ensure the information you gather suits your needs. There are other services like Renée Harris’s, though Renée’s is unique in its ability to provide a flexible therapeutic approach (either talk or expressive-based), and parenting sessions. If you do not obtain what you need from this site, we would encourage you to either search for further information online, or contact Renee directly. Renee may be able to assist you further or know of somewhere else you could be referred if she cannot assist you with further therapy and/or parenting.



If you have a problem, or any issue whatsoever, please contact Renée Harris. She will endeavour to sort out the problem. If it is a problem of therapy or an issue related to parenting course content, this may not be able to be changed. Please ensure you continue open communication in order to limit the future problems.


Intellectual property Copyright

The content of this website is protected by copyright. No portion of this website may be copied or replicated in any form without the written consent of Renée Harris, the website owner.


Payment terms

Expressions of Hope Counselling accepts credit card payments, direct deposit, or cash

when face-to-face. As counselling locations may change, when contacting Renee you will be informed of where face-to-face counselling is taking place. 

For tele-health, or online counselling, payments are expected in advance (direct deposit) and 

are the same price as face-to-face.  


Respectful communication

It is important to engage in respectful communication at all times with the Renée Harris’s site. All email and written communication must be respectful at all times. Respectful communication is at the forefront of how Renée Harris operates, therefore she will delete any rude or inappropriate comments written in any media – social media or on our website. Please ensure you bring any issues directly to the attention of Renée Harris in order for her to remedy any problem you may have.



If you have a complaint arising out of your use of this website, or these terms and conditions, you and Renée Harris agree to make a genuine effort to resolve the dispute through negotiation and discussion.



If Renee is unable to resolve a dispute by negotiation and discussion within 14 days, the parties must proceed to mediation with the assistance of an accredited mediator, who is independent of the parties.

The mediator is to be appointed by the agreement of the parties or, failing agreement within twenty-one (21) days of the first notification of the dispute, by a person appointed by the Chair of Resolution Institute, (ACN 008 651 232, Level 2, 13-15 Bridge Street, Sydney NSW 2000; telephone: 02 9251 3366 , email: or the Chair’s designated representative. The Resolution Institute Mediation Rules shall apply to the mediation and we will agree to share the costs of the mediation equally between us.



It is a condition precedent to the right of either party to commence litigation that we have tried dispute resolution. Litigation is to be considered a last resort and may not be commence until, in the opinion of the independent mediator, the potential for negotiation and mediation have been exhausted. In other words, this means that we agree not to go to court until we really tried our best to work things out, and the mediator agrees that we cannot resolve this on our own, so we will need a judge to make the decision for us.


Thank you for considering me as your counsellor and or parent support. I appreciate the time it has taken to find me and figure out whether or not you can come to me as a trusted professional. I look forward to hearing from you.


Renee Harris | Registered Counsellor

BA (Psyc) Grad Dip Coun 


M | 0432 490 159

E |



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TERMS & CONDITIONS © 2023 by Expressions Of Hope. Proudly created by J&DC

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